Home of HHC Health Center

HHC Health Center (Hope & Healing Center) is located in Kiwanyi village in Nawandala Subcounty of Iganga District.

We offer 24/7 care including:

  • Outpatient (with registered Medical Officer at all times)
  • Inpatient (bedding and meals provided)
  • Laboratory (including blood)
  • Pharmacy
  • Major and Minor Surgeries (with a registered surgeon on full time staff)
  • Maternity OB/GYN services (including pre and post birth care)


For more information please call 0200925596 (within Uganda)

Extending social, spiritual, and physical services with the love of Christ to those in need!

Christmas from Africa: CD

Check out the sample tracks below. CDs available in-person at speaking engagements, or contact us directly.

Full 10-track album is available on Apple Music or for purchase on iTunes by clicking here.

Dear friends,


More than just an album, this is in fact a lifeline. A lifeline to thousands struggling to access quality healthcare in my home country. 


Your purchase of this record is a direct contribution towards addressing their plight as my friends and I build a community hospital.




-Hum Kay